Eating sweet potatoes each day help you lose weight, lower blood pressure, inflammation, prevent ulcers, fight fatigue and blood tonic, laxative. Not only that, the sweet potato also contains a lot of nutrients like vitamin A, B, C, E, protein, amino acids, starch, trace elements calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, very good in caring fair skin.
Below you will find some beauty recipes with common yam and easily made with ingredients readily available in every home refrigerator!
Mask yam
- 1/2 sweet potatoes (maybe more or less depending on the size potatoes), steamed or boiled, for a bowl of crushed. Add to bowl 1 tablespoon honey, 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice, mix well. Apply it on the face, for about 15 minutes then rinse with cool water. Moisturize.
- 1/2 sweet potato steamed or boiled, mashed fresh milk mixed with 2 tablespoons sugar. Apply it on the face for about 30 minutes then rinse with cool water. Moisturize.
- 1/2 sweet potato steamed or boiled, mixed with 2 tablespoons crushed olive oil. Apply it on the face for about 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water and moisture.

Body scrubs
- 1-2 steamed sweet potatoes or boiled, mixed with 3 tablespoons crushed oatmeal, 1 cup unsweetened fresh milk. Apply the mixture on your skin and massage for 15 minutes and then with warm water bath. Rinse thoroughly, then moisturize.
- 1-2 steamed sweet potatoes or boiled, mashed pulp mixed with 1 cup of coffee and orange juice. Apply the mixture on your skin and massage for 15 minutes and then with warm water bath. Cleanse and moisturize.
- 1-2 steamed sweet potatoes or boiled, mashed and mixed with brown sugar 1 cup of coconut oil. Apply the mixture on your skin and massage for 15 minutes and then with warm water bath. So moisturizing bath.

- 1-2 steamed sweet potatoes or boiled, mashed mixed with unsweetened yogurt 1 1/2 cup coconut oil. Apply the mixture on your skin and massage for 15 minutes and then shower with warm water and soap for palm oil. Rinse thoroughly, then moisturize.
- Press 1 sweet potato with 1 potato (or sweet potato 2). Air potato juice with 1/2 cup unsweetened fresh milk. Medium bathing and massage for 20 minutes rinsed with lukewarm water. Apply moisturizing cream or white suit skin types.
- Press 2 sweet potatoes mixed with 3 tablespoons lemon juice. After a bath or sauna finished, dab the mixture on the skin, massage and rinse for 20 minutes with warm water. Blot the skin dry and apply moisturizer.
Note: To retain the nutritional value and maximize the effects of yam, you should use the method steamed. It is best to steam for 15-20 minutes face to enhance the absorption of nutrients from the skin potato mask.
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